JAMA: COVID-19 Can recovering patients be contagious?
Original Riaubian'yi SIFIC Infection Evidence-Based Information 3/1
On February 27, the wuhan Zhongnan Hospital team published a letter in JAMA, four patients who had been discharged according to the discharge criteria, and after discharge, RT-PCR tested positive, and the paper pointed out that the recovered patients may be contagious.
From January 1, 2020 to February 15, 2020, Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital treated one patient in hospital, COVID-19 and three COVID-19 patients (all of whom were medical staff) who were isolated at home, and tested them for RT-PCR to determine whether they had recovered.
According to current standards, discharge and discharge must meet the following four requirements:
(1) The temperature continues to be normal for more than 3 days;
(2) Respiratory symptoms are alleviated;
(3) CT showed a significant improvement in acute oozing lesions;
(4) RT-PCR negative for 2 consecutive pharynx swab tests, and 2 samples are at least 1 day apart.
After the patient's recovery, medical staff contact the patient directly with the patient and his or her family and ask the patient to go to the hospital to collect a pharynx swab for RT-PCR testing.
All four patients were exposed to COVID-19 for work reasons. Age 30-36 years old, 2 men. Three had symptoms and 1 had no obvious symptoms (ct tests were available for close contact). All four were RT-PCR-positive, and CT had glass-like lesions and partial lung lesions.
Four patients were then treated with antiviral therapy (75 mg of oseltamivir taken orally every 12 hours), after which the abnormal performance of CT imaging in three patients improved significantly. The CT of the 4th patient showed subtle glass-like turbidity. Four patients tested negative twice in a row for their pharynx swabs, RT-PCR. Four people ranged from 12 to 32 days from onset to rehabilitation.
After recovery, four patients continued to be isolated for 5 days. After 5-13 days of re-examination of the specimen test found that all four people RT-PCR retest positive. All patients performed RT-PCR three times over the next 4 to 5 days, and all four were still positive. Using other different brands of RT-PCR kits, they are still positive.
However, there were no clinical symptoms in patients, and there was no significant difference between CT detection and ct testing during rehabilitation. During this time, they did not come into contact with any patients with respiratory symptoms and did not transmit them to their families.
Although previous studies have shown false negative RT-PCR test results, continuous negative RT-PCR test results and clinical and imaging evidence indicate that the four patients have met the discharge criteria.
In accordance with the requirements of the New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Treatment Program (Trial Sixth Edition), 14 days of self-health monitoring is recommended after discharge from hospital to avoid out-of-office activities. After discharge from the hospital in the 2nd and 4th weeks to return to the hospital for re-treatment.
According to the results of this study, the importance of post-hospital monitoring is re-emphasized. After the patient recovers, it may still be carriers of the virus. Patients discharged or released from isolation should receive further observation and follow-up, and patients should be aware of protection.
Although the families of these patients were not infected, they were medical staff and were therefore strictly isolated at home and cared for differently from the general patient.
The study showed that the study was limited to a small number of patients with mild or moderate infections. The next step in the study, which should include non-medical personnel, as well as patients with more serious infections, a longitudinal study of larger populations will help to understand the prognosis of the disease.

JAMA:COVID-19 康复病人可能有传染性?
Original 廖丹bian'yi SIFIC感染循证资讯 3/1
而后对4名患者进行了抗病毒治疗(每12小时口服75mg奥司他韦 ),之后3名患者CT影像学的异常表现明显改善。第4例患者的CT显示有细微的磨玻璃样混浊。4名患者咽拭子经RT-PCR检测连续两次阴性。4人从发病到康复从12至32天不等。
尽管先前的研究可能会出现假阴性的RT-PCR 检测结果,但连续阴性的RT-PCR检测结果以及临床和影像学的证据表明,这4例患者已达到出院标准。