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UPDATE 02/20/2020 Wuhan Quarantine - Notice of the Prevention and Control Command of the Outbreak o

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UPDATE 02/20/2020 Wuhan Quarantine - Notice of the Prevention and Control Command of the Outbreak of New Coronary Virus Infection pneumonia in Hubei Province Thursday, February 20, 2020

OPEN LINK TO FULL BLOG ABOVE, CLICK TITLE>>> Above >>>>>UPDATE 02/20/2020 Wuhan QuarantineAll kinds of enterprises in Hubei Province will resume work no earlier than 24 hours on March 10 Changjiang Fusion Media, Changjiang Daily TodayNotice of the Prevention and Control Command of the Outbreak of New Coronary Virus Infection pneumonia in Hubei ProvinceAt present, the province's epidemic prevention and control is in the most difficult critical period, the situation of the epidemic began to show positive changes, but the overall situation is still serious and complex. In order to consolidate and expand the effectiveness of epidemic prevention and control, resolutely block the spread of the epidemic, and effectively safeguard the lives and health of the people, in accordance with the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the relevant provisions of the Level I response mechanism for major public health emergencies in Hubei Province, The following announcements are provided on the continuing delays in the resumption of business work and the opening of schools:

All kinds of enterprises in Hubei Province will resume work no earlier than 24 hours on March 10 Changjiang Fusion Media, Changjiang Daily TodayNotice of the Prevention and Control Command of the Outbreak of New Coronary Virus Infection pneumonia in Hubei ProvinceAt present, the province's epidemic prevention and control is in the most difficult critical period, the situation of the epidemic began to show positive changes, but the overall situation is still serious and complex. In order to consolidate and expand the effectiveness of epidemic prevention and control, resolutely block the spread of the epidemic, and effectively safeguard the lives and health of the people, in accordance with the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the relevant provisions of the Level I response mechanism for major public health emergencies in Hubei Province, The following announcements are provided on the continuing delays in the resumption of business work and the opening of schools:First, all kinds of enterprises in the province first before 24 hours on March 10. The need to safeguard the prevention and control of the epidemic (medical equipment, drugs, the production and sale of protective goods and other industries), the operation of public utilities necessary (water supply, power supply, oil and gas, communications and other industries), the need for the livelihood of the masses (supermarket stores, food production and supply and other industries) and other related enterprises involving the important national economy and people's livelihood. The resumption of work enterprises should strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control measures and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers in accordance with the law. The competent departments of various industries should strengthen the guidance and supervision of the prevention work of enterprises and resolutely prevent cluster infection.Second, the province's tertiary institutions, primary and secondary schools, vocational schools, technical colleges, kindergartens postponed the start of school. Specific start time, according to the epidemic prevention and control situation, after scientific assessment to determine, and in advance to the community.Third, the vast number of residents (including in Hubei visiting relatives and friends on leave of foreign personnel) should strictly abide by the current place of residence epidemic prevention and control requirements, minimize travel, do not participate in gathering activities, do a good job at home environmental health. Access to public places must wear a mask, do not listen to discourage dissuasion of personnel in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations to deal with.Fourth, all local units should earnestly implement the requirements of this circular, further strengthen the main responsibility, and effectively put the epidemic prevention and control and service safeguards to grasp, grasp, grasp the ground, to ensure that the overall social situation is stable and orderly.It is hoped that the broad masses of the people will continue to understand and cooperate, actively participate in supporting the work of epidemic prevention and control, firm lying in confidence, working together in the same boat, watching and helping each other, and working together to win the people's war, the overall war and the resistance war of the epidemic prevention and control.Hubei Province, new coronavirus infection pneumonia outbreak prevention and control command February 20, 2020湖北省内各类企业先按不早于3月10日24时前复工 长江融媒 长江日报 Today湖北省新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控指挥部通告当前,全省疫情防控正处于最吃劲的关键期,疫情形势开始出现积极变化,但总体形势仍然严峻复杂。为巩固和扩大疫情防控效果,坚决阻断疫情传播,切实保障人民群众生命安全和身体健康,根据《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》和湖北省重大突发公共卫生事件I级响应机制的有关规定,现就继续延迟企业复工和学校开学有关事项通告如下:一、省内各类企业先按不早于3月10日24时前复工。涉及保障疫情防控必需(医疗器械、药品、防护品生产和销售等行业)、公共事业运行必需(供水、供电、油气、通讯等行业)、群众生活必需(超市卖场、食品生产和供应等行业)及其他涉及重要国计民生的相关企业除外。复工企业要严格落实各项疫情防控措施,依法保障劳动者合法权益。各行业主管部门要加强对企业防疫工作的指导和监督,坚决防止聚集性感染。二、省内大专院校、中小学、中职学校、技工院校、幼儿园延期开学。具体开学时间,将根据疫情防控情况,经科学评估后确定,并提前向社会公布。三、广大居民(包括在湖北探亲访友休假的外地人员)应严格遵守现居住地疫情防控要求,尽量减少出行,不参加聚集性活动,做好居家环境卫生。出入公共场所必须佩戴口罩,对不听劝阻的人员依据相关法律法规予以处理。四、各地各单位要认真落实本通告要求,进一步强化主体责任,切实把各项疫情防控和服务保障措施抓实、抓细、抓落地,确保社会大局平稳有序。希望广大人民群众继续理解配合、积极参与支持疫情防控工作,坚定信心、同舟共济,守望相助、共克时艰,合力打赢疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战。湖北省新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控指挥部 2020年2月20日


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