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Quarantine Mental Health - MORE PLACES ONLINE FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND HELP Monday, February 10, 2020

Quarantine Mental Health - MORE PLACES ONLINE FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND HELP Monday, February 10, 2020

MORE PLACES ONLINE FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND HELPIF YOU FEEL SUSIDAL At this time Reach out to a Phone Line or connect with someone on WECHAT OR CALL ME ON WECHAT DrADama  I can listen to you or find you place for support. Quarantine is NO JOKE and YOUR Physical and Mental HEALTH are very important to fighting this virus and keeping your health GOOD !---------------------------------------------------------------------------The Community Health Assessment Team (CHAT) is a group of healthcare professionals dedicated to promoting awareness of mental illness, access to mental health resources and providing personalised and confidential mental health check for those between 16 and 30 years old. CHAT works closely with students: educators and counsellors from Institutes of Higher Learning (i.e. polytechnics, universities and vocational institutions); social service agencies and mental health advocates to promote awareness (through talks, workshops and projects) and support young people with mental health concerns. Crisis Chat provides venues to communicate in real time. Forums and discussion groups allow users to post messages but don’t have the capacity for interactive messaging.Depression Chat Rooms Live Chat rooms, forums, blogs and information for depression.OPEN BLOG LINK TO SEE MORE and Look online for hlep>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

MORE PLACES ONLINE FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND HELPIF YOU FEEL SUSIDAL At this time Reach out to a Phone Line or connect with someone on WECHAT OR CALL ME ON WECHAT DrADama  I can listen to you or find you place for support. Quarantine is NO JOKE and YOUR Physical and Mental HEALTH are very important to fighting this virus and keeping your health GOOD !---------------------------------------------------------------------------The Community Health Assessment Team (CHAT) is a group of healthcare professionals dedicated to promoting awareness of mental illness, access to mental health resources and providing personalised and confidential mental health check for those between 16 and 30 years old. CHAT works closely with students: educators and counsellors from Institutes of Higher Learning (i.e. polytechnics, universities and vocational institutions); social service agencies and mental health advocates to promote awareness (through talks, workshops and projects) and support young people with mental health concerns. Crisis Chat provides venues to communicate in real time. Forums and discussion groups allow users to post messages but don’t have the capacity for interactive messaging.Depression Chat Rooms Live Chat rooms, forums, blogs and information for depression.Healing from BPD Chat Room This is a chat room for those who have Borderline Personality Disorder, those who think that they do, and doctors, social workers, therapists, and others who treat and/or love those with Borderline Personality Disorder.Mixed Nuts Depression and Bipolar Information and Chat A depression chat forum featuring a chat room and information on depression, depressive disorders, bipolar disorder manic depression, and treatments for depression.On Your Mind provides a safe and anonymous place for teens to get information and support from other teens.Reach Out ReachOut is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people, providing practical support to help them get through everything from everyday issues to tough times.Recover Your Life Self-Harm Support Communities on the internet.Removing Chains Removing Chains is a live chat support site offering hope, love and encouragement to victimized people globally.Roller Coaster Room A peer community for adults with mental illness. The Chat room provides a casual, social atmosphere where members share their daily experiences and challenges of living with mental illness. A supportive and nunderstanding group of members make the website a welcoming place to make new friends.The Mix The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing – from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to them 24 hours a day via online, social or our free, confidential helpline. PREVENTION AND SUPPORT No Shame On U, MISSD (The Medication-Induced Suicide Prevention and Education Foundation in Memory of Stewart Dolin) and JCFS Chicago are partnering to provide suicide prevention education and support in the Jewish community and beyond with support from JUF’s Breakthrough Fund.If you are in crisis, or know someone who is in crisis, please reach out for help:  Call 24/7 hotline: 1-800-273-(TALK) 8255  Text 741741 for a 24/7 crisis text line - a live, trained crisis counselor receives the text and responds quickly Go to for 24/7 online crisis chat platform that provides immediate contact to a trained crisis counselor ChatShareShare on facebook Share on twitter Share with emailLifeline Chat is a service of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, connecting individuals with counselors for emotional support and other services via web chat. All chat centers in the Lifeline network are accredited by CONTACT USA. Lifeline Chat is available 24/7 across the U.S. Crisis Chat Provided by Common Ground, this online crisis chat, available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week*, connects you with a crisis counselor for one-on-one crisis chatting or online emotional support. All chats are confidential and you can sign in anonymously. It's a place to talk about problems and stress that may be difficult to talk about anywhere else... a place to find non-judgmental support and help through a difficult time. This chat is for anyone who is going through a hard time and just needs to talk about topics such as (but not limited to):suicide bullying depression anxiety relationship problems family stressors abuse One-on-one texting is also available 24/7* through Common Ground. Text "Hello" to 248-809-5550 to chat.*Chat and text services may be intermittently unavailable as the service is transitioned to 24/7 coverageAbout Common Ground Common Ground provides a lifeline for individuals and families in crisis, victims of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations and runaway and homeless youths. Helping people in need for more than 40 years, Common Ground serves more than 40,000 individuals per year. CHAT Live chat and online forums Live chat Live chat services can provide you with access to counselling or advice straight from your computer in real time.Alcohol and Drug Support Service Live Chat (7.30am to 9pm WA time)beyondblue online chat (3pm to 12am Eastern Standard Time)Youth beyondblue online chat (3pm to 12am Eastern Standard Time)Lifeline Crisis Support Chat (7pm to 12am Eastern Standard Time)*eheadspace (12 to 25 year olds) (9am to 1am Eastern Standard Time)*Butterfly Live Chat (eating disorders) (Monday-Friday 8am to 9pm AEST)* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Online forums Online forums allow you to get support from others who are affected by mental illness and share similar experiences.

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